I have been thinking about ways to utilize branding tactics in conjunction with social media and viral marketing in order to better promote Cavotu. In the past, I have used stickers as additional promotional materials, contemplated wheat-pasting- but passed that up in consideration of il(legal) ramifications. As a father, I feel some pulling sense of duty to OBEY the rules.
On Monday night, I ordered a machine that will produce a similar effect as the sticker campaign, but has limitless possibilities.
Hint: it provides you with something you can take with you rather than something you have to leave behind.
How about this, legal ramifications won't effect you directly if you attach stencils to clothing (skate company trick) and market right. Doing so will put the company name out there for little hoodlum skateboarders (like myself) to spray all over the walls/bowls/ledges/stairs and where ever else these kids decide to hang, for free. All you need is a disclaimer. Not only that, but try to develop apps for iPhone and Android systems that both get the brand name out there and serve a practical purpose as well. And when applying that "practical purpose", think skatepark/skateshop directory, bachelors best friend apps, underground city scene for tourists, or a wiki for graff nubes. And get a youtube campaign going. This link is an amazing example of viral marketing, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pShf2VuAu_Q .
I can get a Cavotu tattoo! But, that's not that great of marketting..unless I get it on my ass and become a hooker. haha?
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