We go about our daily lives, often being slaves to the routine. We get our gas, groceries, car washes. We eat. We sleep. We spend time with loved ones. But, then there are those days when we do something completely out of the ordinary; something that challenges the routine.
Today, I found myself with a hammer in hand and a fistful of old rusty nails. I have never been comfortable using a hammer; either I bend the nail, bang up my fingers, or bang the wall itself (completely missing the intended target). There is, though, a feeling of accomplishment when you get the nail in just-so, where you can hammer along at that point without any further worries.
The irony is, that when I challenge the routine, I change it up and life is, once again, if only for a second, fresh- like a momentary facelift on all that is typical. expected. routine(d). But, then, as soon as the nail is half-way in, the fear of impending pain or unintended damage is absolved, I am relieved. I am relieved to find that the routine has once again been restored and I can pound-away at a comfortable pace, and go about continuing to expect the expected.
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