The history of Cavotuesday:
Back in the day, I worked 7 days a week and partied 7 nights a week. I didn't make much time for the dream, the fun, the Cavotu. The equation is a bit different now (work 7 days + work 7 nights + no party + no sleep = madness.) I set aside Tuesday as the official day of all things Cavotu (art design, web design, blogging, team management, accounting, finances etc etc. The catch phrase- Cavotuesday was soon developed. It has a nice ring to it and also helps folks pronounce the name more accurately. No it is not Cavuto and no it is not Cavot-toe. Cav as in Cavaliers are now Mike Brownless and soon to be without a King. O as in ohh yeah. Tu as in your mama. Booyeah.
I took the fam bam to the beach yesterday. Awesome day. Happy Cavotuesday.
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