First thing that came to mind when I said "shit, I gotta write a blog before I leave the house" was the Pennywise anthem Same Old Story. Unfortunately I have not heard the song in ages but my mind is a wandering fool in this moment. Same old story as in forgetting to write blog entries, not because I am lazy, not because I have nothing interesting to say but just because I never make it a top priority. But in looking back at this month. I blogged 21 days out of 29 which is pretty good. So yeah, one of my goals was "blog every fucking day" in October so I failed but it was a strong effort if that counts for anything.
I am headed over to Santa Monica today to handle some business near the Santa Monic Civic Center which happens to be one of the first places or possibly the first place I saw Pennywise in concert. PW hails from Hermosa Beach and my memories/stories of all things PW are endless. But this show, I want to say August 1995, I was at the beach earlier in the day and busted up big toe to the point where I could barely walk, I would have normally went to the hospital right away but I had these PW tickets and that shit was the priority. I remember the intense pain and hobbling inside the venue with my friends, who instantly rushed the pit area to get their spots, I had no choice to but to hobble back to the seating area. It was a cool show but the energy in the back is completely different than being up in the front. The next morning I went to the hospital and got my toe taken care of. Stories like these I will never forget. I should write a fucking book, or maybe a blog, ha. Steady as she goes!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Hi My Name Is
I have been a fan of all things Blink 182 since their first record circa 1994, which is damn near two decades. Blink as a whole is rad but it is also pretty cool that each band member has his own independent clothing project going on as well. Tom Delonge holds it down steady with Macbeth, Travis Barker charges heavy with Famous Stars and Straps and Mark Hoppus recently joined the club with his label (Hi My Name Is Mark).
Hi My Name Is Mark is a clever apparel brand concept. The products seem simple enough with super soft black graphic tees with designs all centering around this octopus character. The thing I dig most about this label is that it bleeds Mark's personality and character, one can easily see that it is his brand and not just his name on it. Mark appears to be the one behind every aspect whether its the design, website copy and selecting the artists etc. I am sure it helps that Mark has tons of disposable income to just dump into whatever he wants. Not jealous or anything, but this business is expensive, especially if you want to produce a quality product.
I am excited to release this coming Cavotu collection (Nov 12th if all goes as planned). The past couple years of my life have royally fucked me up as a human being. I was never like this before (crazy) and its hard to imagine how I can get back to normal, yes it is all rather confusing. Let me it be known that as much as I complain about the storm, I am still just as grateful for what I do have. I am thankful of those who still believe in my vision, my brand, my label, my passion aka my baby!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Forty Three
I spaced on this one.
The past several days had me on a tailspin. Not sure which way was up. I made a mental note to write a blog on Speed's birthday (10/20) but I lost the thought in the forrest.
3 years I ago I wrote a lengthy piece about Speed (read it here).
He would have turned 43 on Sunday.
I copied and pasted the last paragraph....I still trip on this.
I often wonder what our relationship would be like at this point in my life. Our friendship after all was pre college grad, pre Cavotu, pre wife, and pre kids. I can't even imagine the possibilities. Despite his battle with his disease, Speed was a cool guy. I am grateful for our memories...
I spaced on this one.
The past several days had me on a tailspin. Not sure which way was up. I made a mental note to write a blog on Speed's birthday (10/20) but I lost the thought in the forrest.
3 years I ago I wrote a lengthy piece about Speed (read it here).
He would have turned 43 on Sunday.
I copied and pasted the last paragraph....I still trip on this.
I often wonder what our relationship would be like at this point in my life. Our friendship after all was pre college grad, pre Cavotu, pre wife, and pre kids. I can't even imagine the possibilities. Despite his battle with his disease, Speed was a cool guy. I am grateful for our memories...
You are who you are.
Some people are of good moral character and some folks are shady as fuck, it is quite simple.
Lining up ducks.
Feeling great.
11/12/13 is the day.
Get ready.
You are who you are.
Some people are of good moral character and some folks are shady as fuck, it is quite simple.
Lining up ducks.
Feeling great.
11/12/13 is the day.
Get ready.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
The calm before the storm
In my youth I skated. My dad bought me my first board for my 8th birthday. It was pretty cool, I can still remember the graphic and matching fluorescent pink wheels, neons were huge in 1988.
I was pretty scared of falling so it took me quite awhile to finally learn how to ride it. In high school, I skated from point A to point B with my crew. I never bothered learning tricks or taking my skills beyond the basic riding skills. In college I skated to campus every morning, it was about a 10 minute drive by car so kind of a hike on my board. But it was worth it because parking on campus was super expensive. Now as an adult/parent my fear of breaking my arm or cracking my skull is definitely increased. About once a month I venture down to Hermosa Beach and ride my skate on the strand. It's cathartic in a way, the sun, the sand, the ocean breeze, bikini clad females...yeah I should skate more often.
So I wandered down to the local skatepark on Friday. Channel Street has a great story behind it and although I have never actually skated the park, I totally admire and appreciate everything that those founding fathers did to lay that concrete and build the gold mine.
So I climbed up to the top of the main bowl. I sat and watched the locals shred for about an hour. It was peaceful in a strange way, didn't motivate me at all to drop in with them but rad to watch the action....
Changes are happening. I feel good about what's to come...11/12/13 is still on my goal sheet.
I have been slacking on the "be an asshole" category but what can I say, it doesn't come natural for me like some people I know.
Kill kill kill
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I was pretty scared of falling so it took me quite awhile to finally learn how to ride it. In high school, I skated from point A to point B with my crew. I never bothered learning tricks or taking my skills beyond the basic riding skills. In college I skated to campus every morning, it was about a 10 minute drive by car so kind of a hike on my board. But it was worth it because parking on campus was super expensive. Now as an adult/parent my fear of breaking my arm or cracking my skull is definitely increased. About once a month I venture down to Hermosa Beach and ride my skate on the strand. It's cathartic in a way, the sun, the sand, the ocean breeze, bikini clad females...yeah I should skate more often.
So I wandered down to the local skatepark on Friday. Channel Street has a great story behind it and although I have never actually skated the park, I totally admire and appreciate everything that those founding fathers did to lay that concrete and build the gold mine.
So I climbed up to the top of the main bowl. I sat and watched the locals shred for about an hour. It was peaceful in a strange way, didn't motivate me at all to drop in with them but rad to watch the action....
Changes are happening. I feel good about what's to come...11/12/13 is still on my goal sheet.
I have been slacking on the "be an asshole" category but what can I say, it doesn't come natural for me like some people I know.
Kill kill kill
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, October 17, 2013
I rarely make it out to see films in the theatre, not that I rent DVDs either. It's not that I'm lazy, it's just that I don't make time for "media" so it doesn't come natural, like hey let's go sit in the dark for 2 hours and stare at a screen. It often feels like a waste of time no matter how amazing the film is.
I usually drag myself to see the movie that everyone can't stop talking about. I would say about 80% of the time I agree with the hype but sometimes I just don't connect, and this was one of those times. Gravity was ok, not as amazing as I hoped. I walked into to it blind as a bat, not knowing anything about the plot and have never even seen one preview. I appreciated the solitude theme, the talking to yourself, the drive to not give up and die today, funny how even if I didn't care for the film I still found ways that it related to my life.
Clooney is great at what he does, but I was bored with his typical blah blah jibber jabber. Bullock, never cared for her but she played a believable character. The theatre crowd was particularly rowdy and large groups of people were talking through out the film, super ghetto if you ask me.
Why did I bother?
I had just left a heavy weighted mind fuck situation. I just wanted to be distracted. My reality kills me at times. I get it as to why people watch TV/movies- to forget - to escape - to decompress.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I usually drag myself to see the movie that everyone can't stop talking about. I would say about 80% of the time I agree with the hype but sometimes I just don't connect, and this was one of those times. Gravity was ok, not as amazing as I hoped. I walked into to it blind as a bat, not knowing anything about the plot and have never even seen one preview. I appreciated the solitude theme, the talking to yourself, the drive to not give up and die today, funny how even if I didn't care for the film I still found ways that it related to my life.
Clooney is great at what he does, but I was bored with his typical blah blah jibber jabber. Bullock, never cared for her but she played a believable character. The theatre crowd was particularly rowdy and large groups of people were talking through out the film, super ghetto if you ask me.
Why did I bother?
I had just left a heavy weighted mind fuck situation. I just wanted to be distracted. My reality kills me at times. I get it as to why people watch TV/movies- to forget - to escape - to decompress.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Who you calling Snapback?
Stoked on these bad boys.
Limited edition Cavotu brand snapback hats coming soon. Just a small taste of the 2013 Fall Winter Collection.
Stay posted to the blog for the 411 or follow us on Instagram ( CAVOTU)
More videos on the way but here is a little FIRE for your viewing pleasure!!
Limited edition Cavotu brand snapback hats coming soon. Just a small taste of the 2013 Fall Winter Collection.
Stay posted to the blog for the 411 or follow us on Instagram ( CAVOTU)
More videos on the way but here is a little FIRE for your viewing pleasure!!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
I'm human
Life happens...my 13 day blog streak ended yesterday. Proud of that one though, especially coming from me aka the streak guy. Daily blogging is not easy, my hat always goes off to people that consistently roll it out everyday. And no I am not talking about people who get paid to write a blog everyday because that is totally different, it's a job, it's not the same as free writing about random subjects ranting and raving etc.
I have been faced with quite a few challenges these past couple days. Jumping thru rings of fire like some sick and twisted circus act, the show must go on, work harder despite the fact that no one cares. I care. I care too much.
How hard is your life?
How hard did you try today?
Did it matter?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Life happens...my 13 day blog streak ended yesterday. Proud of that one though, especially coming from me aka the streak guy. Daily blogging is not easy, my hat always goes off to people that consistently roll it out everyday. And no I am not talking about people who get paid to write a blog everyday because that is totally different, it's a job, it's not the same as free writing about random subjects ranting and raving etc.
I have been faced with quite a few challenges these past couple days. Jumping thru rings of fire like some sick and twisted circus act, the show must go on, work harder despite the fact that no one cares. I care. I care too much.
How hard is your life?
How hard did you try today?
Did it matter?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Here's Johnny
I am pretty sure I have raved about Johnny Cupcakes in the past but it has been some time since I talked about people in the industry who continue to inspire me. JC is definitely on the LIST!
Johnny is in a league of his own. A truly brilliant mind, I am blown away by his creativity. His cupcake bakery themed clothing company is so simple yet so clever. One has to assume that the people behind popular street wear, surf, skate apparel are just normal folks like you and me. But you never think they are the awkward nerdy kid from grade school who were somehow likable. That is the vibe I get from Johnny, a real genuine dude, doing what he loves and humbly rolling in the dough. I attended a JC college lecture a few years ago, the main takeaway was that Johnny never wasted a dime on booze, weed, woman, cigs anything. He obviously had different priorities but look how it paid off.
JC released their new crop of classic Halloween shirts this week. The fat kid design has really turned in to quite the signature character. Its fun, colorful and always festive.
JC also released the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collaboration a couple weeks back. Again we have the fat kid making another appearance in full costume. Shredder rules!
Johnny is in a league of his own. A truly brilliant mind, I am blown away by his creativity. His cupcake bakery themed clothing company is so simple yet so clever. One has to assume that the people behind popular street wear, surf, skate apparel are just normal folks like you and me. But you never think they are the awkward nerdy kid from grade school who were somehow likable. That is the vibe I get from Johnny, a real genuine dude, doing what he loves and humbly rolling in the dough. I attended a JC college lecture a few years ago, the main takeaway was that Johnny never wasted a dime on booze, weed, woman, cigs anything. He obviously had different priorities but look how it paid off.
JC released their new crop of classic Halloween shirts this week. The fat kid design has really turned in to quite the signature character. Its fun, colorful and always festive.
JC also released the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collaboration a couple weeks back. Again we have the fat kid making another appearance in full costume. Shredder rules!
Saturday, October 12, 2013
They say everything happens for a reason. Life keeps throwing curve balls my way. I don't even want to play the game most days but I am locked in for life. My teammates need me. So I trained harder, perfected my batting stance and my swing is truly subpar. I really need to hit this next pitch out of the fucking park. I am ready, are you?
Friday, October 11, 2013
Burning the candle at both ends, tis the season to do more and sleep less. Lining up ducks is never as easy as it sounds. Pressure is building, haha, not tripping. So I came across this photo above, it was taken off my balcony while I was vacationing in Hawaii. The ocean is amazing, I live literally 5 minutes away from the Pacific Ocean yet all my days/night I end up driving East. East to go do life and leave the ocean at my back. I have been talking to my daughter about teaching her how to surf, she is stoked on the idea. I am not fully committed to getting her a toddler wetsuit but when the water warms up we are definitely hitting the waves.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Thirsty Thursday
Thursday nights in college were the BEST. Most cats didn't have class on Friday or if you they did they most likely skipped that day. Thursday was basically the start of the weekend festivities. I don't know about your college but mine liked to party party and I joined in without any hesitation. "Thirsty Thursday" became the mantra for all the house/apt party hooplah...SDSU was fuckn fun. Period.
Fast forward to right now, Thursday night, um yeah rather uneventful as an adult. My kids are asleep in their beds and we another long day/night of back to back school, activities, sports, therapy etc. Not complaining...just noticing the drastic lifestyle changes yet I am totally grateful and lucky to have such wonderful children.
Life is a roller coaster, or at least mine feels that way. I have been working on the incline, the ride is finally starting to go up again as it should, long over due but gotta run with the momentum while it's here. Keep pushing forward!
Fast forward to right now, Thursday night, um yeah rather uneventful as an adult. My kids are asleep in their beds and we another long day/night of back to back school, activities, sports, therapy etc. Not complaining...just noticing the drastic lifestyle changes yet I am totally grateful and lucky to have such wonderful children.
Life is a roller coaster, or at least mine feels that way. I have been working on the incline, the ride is finally starting to go up again as it should, long over due but gotta run with the momentum while it's here. Keep pushing forward!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
The weather shifted slightly today with random rain, wind and cooler temperatures. I like it. Change is great. Rain or shine, I still rock a t-shirt, shorts and sandals...what can I say? I live in California.
I am pretty excited about releasing this new apparel collection. I must say that it has been awhile since I took the brand this serious. Cavotu has been releasing random product sporadically over the past few years with no general idea or plan. Like I have said before, life happened and things got shitty but now this idea feels right, timing is everything.
Tentatively looking at Nov 12th as the release date assuming I can get all the last minute details completed. Currently brainstorming some fun contests via social media, get the good folks involved, fun stuff.
Do more of what makes you happy!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I am pretty excited about releasing this new apparel collection. I must say that it has been awhile since I took the brand this serious. Cavotu has been releasing random product sporadically over the past few years with no general idea or plan. Like I have said before, life happened and things got shitty but now this idea feels right, timing is everything.
Tentatively looking at Nov 12th as the release date assuming I can get all the last minute details completed. Currently brainstorming some fun contests via social media, get the good folks involved, fun stuff.
Do more of what makes you happy!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
It's nice to have nice things George
I believe all parents spoil their children in one form or another. I have a hard time saying "no" to the people that I love the most (my kids...and yes their mother too despite it all she still holds this special place in my heart, I know I know) but I tell myself "no" all the time without any hesitation. I would never say I am a selfish person especially when I rarely do ME.
I found myself riding shotgun earlier in the homey's 5 series BMW, I couldn't help but touch the shiny wood grain dash that wrapped around the navigation screen. No this it not the first time I have been inside an expensive vehicle but once removed you tend to forget about the little details that make the car visually appealing. I had a brief flashback of my previous BMWs when my life was "different" and I had only one mouth to feed aka ME.
I was instantly reminded of one of my favorite quotes from the movie Blow. It was the scene when George (Johnny Depp) is showing his expensive car collection to his father. All of the cars obviously were purchased with drug money yet the son just wanted his dad to be proud of his wealth/success. "It's nice to have nice things George" said the father. Simple and to the point. Nice things help to certain degree, they help define/mask reality depending on how you see things.
In the past several years I went from having a lot to having virtually nothing. I have come to appreciate material things on a new level. They really are just things, just stuff, often times totally unnecessary. But when you throw the word feelings in the mix well sometimes material things act as a buffer to over ride those feelings and help get one through another miserable hour/day/night.
My takeaway, spoil your offspring, spoil your loved ones, and don't forget to spoil yourself. They say we only get one shot at this thing called life so make it the best!
I believe all parents spoil their children in one form or another. I have a hard time saying "no" to the people that I love the most (my kids...and yes their mother too despite it all she still holds this special place in my heart, I know I know) but I tell myself "no" all the time without any hesitation. I would never say I am a selfish person especially when I rarely do ME.
I found myself riding shotgun earlier in the homey's 5 series BMW, I couldn't help but touch the shiny wood grain dash that wrapped around the navigation screen. No this it not the first time I have been inside an expensive vehicle but once removed you tend to forget about the little details that make the car visually appealing. I had a brief flashback of my previous BMWs when my life was "different" and I had only one mouth to feed aka ME.
I was instantly reminded of one of my favorite quotes from the movie Blow. It was the scene when George (Johnny Depp) is showing his expensive car collection to his father. All of the cars obviously were purchased with drug money yet the son just wanted his dad to be proud of his wealth/success. "It's nice to have nice things George" said the father. Simple and to the point. Nice things help to certain degree, they help define/mask reality depending on how you see things.
In the past several years I went from having a lot to having virtually nothing. I have come to appreciate material things on a new level. They really are just things, just stuff, often times totally unnecessary. But when you throw the word feelings in the mix well sometimes material things act as a buffer to over ride those feelings and help get one through another miserable hour/day/night.
My takeaway, spoil your offspring, spoil your loved ones, and don't forget to spoil yourself. They say we only get one shot at this thing called life so make it the best!
Monday, October 7, 2013
pro·cras·ti·nate (pr
, pr
I have been lagging on this trademark renewal process so tonight I just knocked it out. Filed the shit myself and locked the Cavotu TM in for a couple more years. Last year the spam mail started pouring in from various renewal companies and law agencies offering their services. Then the emails started up shortly after. Everyone and their mom was asking for money aka "pay us this fee and we will do this for you" but on top of that you still have to pay the government for the flat fees as well. WTF?
I filed the Cavotu trademark on February 13, 2007 and it was officially registered on October 30, 2007. I remember that being a pretty HUGE step towards something cool/real/official/all mine bitches. Crazy to trip on how much has happened since then. Unfortunately the brand didn't quite rocket launch into orbit like I hoped but it was definitely a smart move to lock in my "TM" because this world we live in is so DTA...like yeah totally (ha)
So I am thinking this rocket launch is finally going down. The hiatus is officially dead. Cavotu is coming out with some straight fire. Im stoked!
Please submit an image that shows how the mark and/or word is being used...
v. pro·cras·ti·nat·ed, pro·cras·ti·nat·ing, pro·cras·ti·nates
To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
To postpone or delay needlessly.
I filed the Cavotu trademark on February 13, 2007 and it was officially registered on October 30, 2007. I remember that being a pretty HUGE step towards something cool/real/official/all mine bitches. Crazy to trip on how much has happened since then. Unfortunately the brand didn't quite rocket launch into orbit like I hoped but it was definitely a smart move to lock in my "TM" because this world we live in is so DTA...like yeah totally (ha)
So I am thinking this rocket launch is finally going down. The hiatus is officially dead. Cavotu is coming out with some straight fire. Im stoked!
Please submit an image that shows how the mark and/or word is being used...
Sunday, October 6, 2013
I am your Father
Today, I took my son shopping for a Halloween costume. Yes, it sure is easier to do this online but going to an actual Halloween store is a way cooler experience for the kids. When I was a young, I always struggled with the decision of choosing the right costume. They say the apple does not fall far from the tree...
When my son was a baby, I dressed him up in "cute" outfits from bumble bee to teddy bear to puppy. Two years ago he was set on being "Alpha Pig" a character from a cartoon called Super Why. I had to special order that online, but then a few days before Halloween he changed his mind so I had to beg for a refund/return. Handy Manny over ruled the pig so we had to rock that one. Last years choice was a no brainer, Venom and this year followed in the same path of black, darkness and evil aka Darth Vader. I am pretty sure the cool light saber was the factor that sealed the deal.
My daughter asked me what I was going to be, I failed to come up with a cool idea on the spot. I think I said something dumb like I'm a daddy and daddy is not dressing up this year. Their mother has dressed as a witch for the past several years, hopefully someday she will take off the costume and realize that its um April, May, June...
When my son was a baby, I dressed him up in "cute" outfits from bumble bee to teddy bear to puppy. Two years ago he was set on being "Alpha Pig" a character from a cartoon called Super Why. I had to special order that online, but then a few days before Halloween he changed his mind so I had to beg for a refund/return. Handy Manny over ruled the pig so we had to rock that one. Last years choice was a no brainer, Venom and this year followed in the same path of black, darkness and evil aka Darth Vader. I am pretty sure the cool light saber was the factor that sealed the deal.
My daughter asked me what I was going to be, I failed to come up with a cool idea on the spot. I think I said something dumb like I'm a daddy and daddy is not dressing up this year. Their mother has dressed as a witch for the past several years, hopefully someday she will take off the costume and realize that its um April, May, June...
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Sticker Attack
Regulators, mount up.
I got a few riders out today, lacing the streets with the good word.
Hey do you have what it takes to represent in your city? Looking for some dedicated high school cats with too much time on their hands. Hit me up info@cavotu.com
Subject: I want to be a Cavotu Foot Soldier
Message: Why?
I got a few riders out today, lacing the streets with the good word.
Hey do you have what it takes to represent in your city? Looking for some dedicated high school cats with too much time on their hands. Hit me up info@cavotu.com
Subject: I want to be a Cavotu Foot Soldier
Message: Why?
Friday, October 4, 2013
Friday night
Another weekend is here, time is moving quickly, Xmas is totally around the corner...
Piecing together something special aka coming soon. I am fully focused and dedicated to keeping that ball rolling in the right direction. Also highly aware of bad vibes and must avoid all negative energy if possible.
Continue to kill kill kill.
I have been hitting the weights and working on my asshole status...the combination is physically and mentally exhausting, go mode is fun.
Today was a good day.
Piecing together something special aka coming soon. I am fully focused and dedicated to keeping that ball rolling in the right direction. Also highly aware of bad vibes and must avoid all negative energy if possible.
Continue to kill kill kill.
I have been hitting the weights and working on my asshole status...the combination is physically and mentally exhausting, go mode is fun.
Today was a good day.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
I jumped...
I was watching my 3 year old (she is almost 4 but technically still 3 for another month) as she danced and sang alone to beat of her own drum. First thought was damn my baby is growing up fast (sad face)...I swear in the future she will be the raddest pro surfer/beach volleyball player. Stoked on my girl! Second thought was focusing on her playfulness and endless imagination. Children are so free, filled with energy as they"just live"....I felt inspired. I too wanted to sing and dance but I am Dad and it is just not the same, so I danced/sang in my mind...the catalyst for something good brewing or so I hoped.
Today I received an email that made me smile. I actually jumped in the air like a kid after opening it. It was one of those "fuck yeah" moments. I have a nice set of teeth but unfortunately I don't run around like Mikey Taylor cheesing it up. As Eeyore as I feel, there are still things that make me happy. My latest run has been shit, hence the frown but everyday I hope and pray for a better tomorrow. Somethings gotta give, don't give up, stay strong and some other retarded nonsense is tattooed on my forehead. I have been practicing the "do more of what makes you happy" thing...I know there is way more to life then just money and stress. I miss love though, part of my puzzle that has fucked me up the most. Sure I feel love from my children but in all honesty they are kids, babies some say, toddlers is a better term, yes they love their daddy, but not the love that I miss as an adult.
"Love is gnarly" as Davey said quite simply on that day at the mushroom farm, yes it is my friend, yes it is.
Today I received an email that made me smile. I actually jumped in the air like a kid after opening it. It was one of those "fuck yeah" moments. I have a nice set of teeth but unfortunately I don't run around like Mikey Taylor cheesing it up. As Eeyore as I feel, there are still things that make me happy. My latest run has been shit, hence the frown but everyday I hope and pray for a better tomorrow. Somethings gotta give, don't give up, stay strong and some other retarded nonsense is tattooed on my forehead. I have been practicing the "do more of what makes you happy" thing...I know there is way more to life then just money and stress. I miss love though, part of my puzzle that has fucked me up the most. Sure I feel love from my children but in all honesty they are kids, babies some say, toddlers is a better term, yes they love their daddy, but not the love that I miss as an adult.
"Love is gnarly" as Davey said quite simply on that day at the mushroom farm, yes it is my friend, yes it is.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
America's Pastime
This last Sunday, I attended the final game of the regular season for the Los Angeles Dodgers. I am not a HUGE baseball fan in this stage in my life but I still follow the basic headlines/drama. I grew up on baseball. I never played as a kid but I was fortunate to attend hundreds of games during my childhood and teenage years because my parents always shared Dodgers season tickets with their friends/family. As an adult, I still enjoy the excitement of being in the stadium and watching the live game. But now that I am no longer drinking, trying to impress a lady and/or betting on the games...the whole sense of "fun" that I accustomed with going to the game is gone. I can't help but notice how expensive everything is and how boring the game can be during innings. I ruined it for myself. Associations are brutal, what can I say.
So the Dodgers ended up losing the game but on the bright side they still made the playoffs so their season continues. I have always enjoyed the day game experience because it is still a rarity, I would say 90% of the professional baseball games that I have attended have all been at night.
let's be honest here, I will never have enough money and enough time to justify it so I will just make it happen. Someday in the future I will plan a nice vacation getaway where I visit multiple ballparks in various cities. It will be nonstop baseball after baseball. Maybe then I will have an overpriced adult beverage in one hand, a beautiful non-bipolar female by my side and fat run line bet pending via my smart phone. Cheers to dreaming BIG. F yeah!
So the Dodgers ended up losing the game but on the bright side they still made the playoffs so their season continues. I have always enjoyed the day game experience because it is still a rarity, I would say 90% of the professional baseball games that I have attended have all been at night.
let's be honest here, I will never have enough money and enough time to justify it so I will just make it happen. Someday in the future I will plan a nice vacation getaway where I visit multiple ballparks in various cities. It will be nonstop baseball after baseball. Maybe then I will have an overpriced adult beverage in one hand, a beautiful non-bipolar female by my side and fat run line bet pending via my smart phone. Cheers to dreaming BIG. F yeah!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
1. Blog every fucking day in October
2. Release something on 11/12/13
3. Be an asshole
4. Think positive
I have been arguing with strangers lately. I am normally the non confrontational type but what can I say, we all have our moments, our breaking points, sometimes you can't help it. Wrong place, wrong time situation. I feel like these strangers are asking for it...
I do not own a television. Some may find that to be very strange. I do not see the need for one or why I need to be connected or tied down with another bill. I have a Mac, I have an iPhone, I have the "Internet" so who needs TV? But after reading tons of social media about this final episode OMG shit greatest show ever etc...now have to look up ______ so I can be prepared for the water cooler discussions, haha, do people actual talk around the water cooler, is that real? I never understood meth heads...
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