Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Forty Three


I spaced on this one.

The past several days had me on a tailspin. Not sure which way was up. I made a mental note to write a blog on Speed's birthday (10/20) but I lost the thought in the forrest.

3 years I ago I wrote a lengthy piece about Speed (read it here).

He would have turned 43 on Sunday.

I copied and pasted the last paragraph....I still trip on this.

I often wonder what our relationship would be like at this point in my life. Our friendship after all was pre college grad, pre Cavotu, pre wife, and pre kids. I can't even imagine the possibilities. Despite his battle with his disease, Speed was a cool guy. I am grateful for our memories...


Dave said...

Just read this and the old post.... What a crazy night. Speed was a good guy and provided a night that is hard to forget. RIP...

Joey Cavotu said...

Thanks for reading Dave, I recently connected on FB with a good childhood friend of his…it was actually the same guy who left the voicemail on my phone about Speeds passing, the voice cut out when he said you call me back at blank…and it was from a private caller…tripped me out…but yeah