I rode my skateboard down by the marina the other day, it was a mellow cruise, mostly inspired by the sunshine, Vitamin D is a good thing but in moderation I suppose (skin cancer is real). I have been going through some new/old adjustments aka changes (no one likes changes)…I had a pretty solid weekly routine of being a parent, working, Cavotu, weight lifting, typical baby mama drama etc but I shook it up a bit…I have been struggling to get things back on track.
I just read one of those silly FB posts titled "50 Things Every Man Should Realize" and for some odd reason I got sucked in. Here are a few I liked the most…
10. A strong work ethic is a good substitute for being smart.
I guess it all depends on who judges your level of smartness, I am not a doctor or a lawyer but I do have a college degree. For years I have been belittled by people in my circle as the "non smart" type yet, sounds like I need a new circle (I know!). For years I have slaved away at jobs that I don't love, working like a dog to make ends meet, saving up cash in order to invest in my brand as I try to not complain about my steady work schedule. I am a worker bee, I always have been. Yes I have a strong work ethic and yes I am fucking SMART.
12. Don’t let your friends drift away, because they will if you let them.
As we get older this is pretty common thread, paths go different ways, with new jobs, schools, cities, families, the crew that we once had dwindles. Sure I let some good friends go and others for more obvious reasons. I have never been the type to run with the wolf pack but a solid support system is definitely appreciated when shit hits the fan. The lame part of this is that at 33 years young it is not easy to make new friends, not quality ones at least.
14. If you’re not happy, stop what you’re doing and do something else. Right now.
This one is super powerful, I get it, I get it. I am happy when I am blogging so I will continue rambling on...
19. Don’t be an asshole. Seriously. Just don’t.
I tried being an asshole but it didn't even work. I realized that being assertive and standing up for myself was a much better approach. The reality is that I am still a nice guy who does the right thing but I have a tendency to forgive those who ruined me waaaay to easily.
29. Quality trumps quantity every time.
I have been a HUGE fan of quality in many areas of life, from the tee shirt on my back to the food in my fridge, to even friendships. Quality is key.
35. You can’t change the past. Let it go.
I have been a rearview mirror type of dude since day one. I know that I can't change the past but the letting go part is still a struggle.
45. Don’t wear your heart on your sleeve. A real man can control his emotions.
Now this is definitely a manly one. Full testosterone in #45. The funny thing is that one of the first ever Cavotu zip up hoodies that I had designed, it was actually a sample that never went into production but it had an embroidered heart on the inside left forearm. Love was part of why this brand got off the ground and unfortunately I was raised by a bunch of women, so when it comes to being emotional I am totally fucked in this area, I am not trying to fool anyone here.
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