On Tuesday 7/6/10 I took a red eye flight out of LAX and arrived at JFK around 5:30 a.m. on 7/7/10. My brother in-law, Cameron is attending law school at St. Johns University so I arranged to stay at his pad in Queens. Queens is about an hour subway ride east of Manhattan but a free place to stay in super expensive city is all good.
Things got heated from the start, besides the fact the weather was mid 90's and humid as ever. I had a serious verbal altercation with my cab driver over the fare from the airport to Cam's house. Cam said it should be around $23 because it was only 15 minutes away. Apparently I got into a limo cab, which by the way looked just like any other cab except it wasn't painted yellow. So the driver tries to charge me $100 for the 15 minute ride. He claims this is the standard rate regardless of how far you go. I told him he was crazy and that I wasn't paying his tourist prices. We were both outside the cab, face to face screaming and I was ready to go. Slightly cracked from the time change, lack of sleep and I wasn't having this nonsense at six in the morning. The guy reluctantly backed down, I gave him $30 and he sped off like a bat out of hell. Welcome to New York.
I was relived to see the sticker on the front door to guide me to the correct house, residential homes galore on the block. Seeing Cavotu stickers upside down always bugs me but seeing one on a random house in Queens was a pretty cool feeling. I crashed out for a few hours so that I would have a fresh start for the day. My adventure was just beginning.
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