I have not traveled solo in quite a few years. The days of pre-fam bam are sorta foggy yet I still remember what it was like to be independent and virtually free of responsibility. As my 30th birthday creeps up around the corner, I started feeling like I had to do something extreme to shake up my reality. I had to experience life on a different level. I just told my wife that I was going to New York for a few days. To be honest it was kind of a joke at first but the more I thought about it the more it made sense. New York City screams energy twenty four seven three sixty five. I need energy, Cavotu needs energy so I booked a flight, arranged a place to crash and packed luggage. Nervous, um yeah. Stoked, um hell yeah.
I am sitting here on a red eye flight, internet oh boy, first timer on this Virgin America, random dance beats pumping thru the speakers as the pink and purple lighting illuminates the cabin, seats belts are fastened, here we go.
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