I carved this pumpkin today. We did it as "a family" (which meant my wife slept in and I had both my kids strapped down in their high chairs as I used sharp knives and somehow managed to keep them both entertained for 30 minutes). Carving definitely takes some patience and skills but I think this boy turned out alright.

And speaking of Halloween, someone asked me the other day about my back round pic on my Twitter page. The picture was taken on Halloween (2006) in the backyard of Cavotu rider, Wes Wee's house in Santa Barbara. The homey, Forrest and I were goofing with the skull makeup in between shots of Jameson and Silver Bullet chasers. That night we saw Devilock, a Misfits cover band who has been playing their annual show at the Velvet Jones for at least 10 years.

Mr. Cavotu and Mr. Panda back then...

Forrest took these photos today in San Diego. The skull makeup still goes strong four years later. That makeup is amazing, who knew it was going to be permanent.

The finger nails add a nice touch as well. Happy Halloween folks.

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