This Cavotuesday will definitely go down in the history books as the day Californians were given their first opportunity to vote on a proposition that would legalize marijuana. I never thought this particular measure would ever reach our ballots. As a father of 2 babies, I don't engage in any Mary Jane activities but I am a rare case. At times, it seems as if everyone and their mother burns trees here in Cali.
Marijuana is definitely a hot button issue with all the contraversy surrounding the medical dispensaries and their legal rights. I believe that folks are going to smoke regardless so all this hype will not lead to the passing of Prop 19. Sure it would be great for our economy but I don't think the US government is ready for this reality. But then again, we had Arnold Schwarzenegger as our Governor so literally anything can happen.

I just noticed the time stamp of this blog post, wow! I honestly did not plan that but the coincidence is freaking awesome. Don't forget to hit up your local polling place. Let your voice be heard.
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