Like I was surfers equal cool guy points. Fans of surfing have their favorite athletes just like any other sport. I have always been a fan of Dane Reynolds. No we have never met but just based on his interviews and videos he seems like a genuine dude. He comes off as the real deal, its believable because its the truth. I follow his Marine Layer blog and his recent post explaining why he left the pro tour is freaking great. The future for Dane looks rad, he has the whole world in his hands, stay vicious brother.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Dane plays with crayons
I want to be a pro surfer. Who wants to sponsor me? To be honest, they have one of the best jobs in the world. Although, MLB bullpen catchers also have a pretty sweet deal too. Simple as catch baseball while pitcher warms up before the game. No stress about hitting, fielding, public eye, and media nonsense. Instead they travel along and get all the pro benefits. Now where do I sign up for the 3rd string catcher gig?
Monday, December 19, 2011
I sort of have this love hate thing with twitter. I follow some so called famous people and some average joes too. This chick is what you call "internet popular" but I can't really figure out if she is just a silly 15 year old Canadian who is trying to get some laughs or what. Not to say she is a liar but you never can tell with this internet shit. I mean its like DTA all day every day. Right? Jacked this from her tumblr, which is cool too. Not obsessed. Nope. Pow!

Thursday, December 15, 2011
Milo does Xmas

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
my 15 seconds of fame
I was just talking about this video the other night with the homey, Lane. I believe it was the night of another UFC event, still counting away, we are currently at #140. I probably posted this video last year on the blog but I'll repost it because I still think its pretty cool.
I was lurking solo around NYC in the summer of 2010, it was my 30th birthday present from my wife. I had just finished grubbing on some ice cream when this dude approached me with a microphone and a camera. I was hesitant at first but then agreed to only record my words rather than film my fat face. Let the images do the talking. I made a couple clever points mixed in with a few sloppy ones. What can I say, my thoughts were flowing.
Side note: I got nothing but love for Green Day, I have always been a fan. I first saw them live in 1994 when they were the opening act at Lollapalooza and a handful of times since then as they have become mega stars. I really wasn't aware of the play at the time but it is pretty awesome that the boys were able to tap into the Broadway circuit. I never saw the play but the reviews say it was amazing. Fast forward to 6:22 on the video to hear my nonsense
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
let me clear my throat
i'm gonna drink more whiskey than brendan behan.
and i'm gonna send my belongings all to tripoli.
and i'm gonna ride home to california
with a banjo on my knee.
i'm never gonna turn off the television.
i'm just gonna let it run all night.
i'm gonna plant root vegetables out in the backyard
and come summer i am going to treat you right.
so put on your chairman mao coat
and let me clear my throat.
let's turn this whole town upside-down
and shake it 'til the coins come falling out of its pockets,
yeah put on your che guevara pin
call the troops on in
we're gonna sail through the night sky like a pair of bottle rockets.
i got a great big secret written down somewhere.
i got a rosary to protect us both from harm.
i got a storage locker full of cow figurines
and a laundry list of grievances longer than my arm.
and i am never going back to cincinatti.
all those bridges have burned down to the ground.
i got the jet pack strapped to my back
and i am waiting for you to come around.
yeah, put on your chairman mao coat
and let me clear my throat.
let's turn this whole place upside-down
and shake it 'til the coins come dropping out of its pockets.
yeah put on your che guevara pin
call the troops on in.
we're gonna sink through the night sky like a pair of bottle rockets.
i'm gonna drink more whiskey than brendan behan.
and i'm gonna send my belongings all to tripoli.
and i'm gonna ride home to california
with a banjo on my knee.
i'm never gonna turn off the television.
i'm just gonna let it run all night.
i'm gonna plant root vegetables out in the backyard
and come summer i am going to treat you right.
so put on your chairman mao coat
and let me clear my throat.
let's turn this whole town upside-down
and shake it 'til the coins come falling out of its pockets,
yeah put on your che guevara pin
call the troops on in
we're gonna sail through the night sky like a pair of bottle rockets.
i got a great big secret written down somewhere.
i got a rosary to protect us both from harm.
i got a storage locker full of cow figurines
and a laundry list of grievances longer than my arm.
and i am never going back to cincinatti.
all those bridges have burned down to the ground.
i got the jet pack strapped to my back
and i am waiting for you to come around.
yeah, put on your chairman mao coat
and let me clear my throat.
let's turn this whole place upside-down
and shake it 'til the coins come dropping out of its pockets.
yeah put on your che guevara pin
call the troops on in.
we're gonna sink through the night sky like a pair of bottle rockets.
a sunny place for shady people
I like fashion. I like watching trends. I enjoy the art of streetwear and modern menswear. However I have never been much of a shopper. I often over analyze fabrics and cuts to the point where I am just over it and end up leaving stores/malls empty handed. Yes that all sounds like a big waste of time which I totally agree but I got this sickness and I can't help it. So that is why I rarely engage in the act of shopping for clothes. I am not sure why I have this problem but it appears to be getting worse with age. My preferences/choices of what I think is cool also dwindling. Sure there are plenty brand names that I respect and admire but with those two words often comes a hefty price tag and in that case I just stay away. Maybe if I had more disposable income, I would waste it on high end fashion, not even high end but fashion in general. Yes, that would probably be the case. Damn that kind of sucks now that I think about it. F money...
For the past couple years I have been following this New York based brand, Acapulco Gold. AG was founded by two dudes who worked for the almighty Supreme. If you are familiar with anything related to Supreme then you know AG has to be fire or the odds are definitely in their favor. Ok so in my opinion, AG is fire, as their distinctive style mixes urban, street and high quality apparel. Plus they got that east coast NY edge. Unfortunately with the fire title also comes the dollar signs so I have yet to unload on any AG goods. Brand names like AG and Supreme fuel my motivation and drive for all things Cavotu. It really comes down to confidence and believing in your product. I know Cavotu is capable of shining. I also know the road is long but we are moving forward. Can't stop, won't stop, there's a status update for you.
The surf has been non existent lately but I still think about the ocean. Throwback Team Cavotu represent!

acapulco gold,
elisha boyle,
team rider
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Warm Feets

Appreciate the mad support from our fans on making this Cavotu sock campaign a success. This was a limited edition run of the black/white colorway. Looking forward to other possible colorway options in the future. Socks? I want socks, ok so click here to buy a bundle.
Dudes, warm feet actually help you sleep better at night. Ladies, well maybe this one is for the dudes as well. Read up, feed the brain, knowledge is power-cheese. Get some!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Asian Man
Ok I couldn't help it. I just stumbled upon this one. Operation Ivy was the kingpin, they were my bag of gold, they made it all ok.
The Crowd
Wrenched into the world, deanaesthetized
Blurry images fiht their way through halfway opened eyes
Awakened by alarm fifteen minutes of hygeine
Twenty minutes of eating thirty seconds to the door
I looked outside I looked into the eyes
Of the impersonal mob I've seen a thousand times before
Feeling under covers like books on a shelf
If we're scared of one another
Must be scared of ourself
More than just another crowd
We need a gathering instead
Drink drink in the badland liquid bread for the poor
Another member of the crowd goes down to drown at the liquor store
Choose your escape in the heartland
Of product and demand when you feel like a wasp in the swarm
You gotta get away anyway that you can
The Crowd
Wrenched into the world, deanaesthetized
Blurry images fiht their way through halfway opened eyes
Awakened by alarm fifteen minutes of hygeine
Twenty minutes of eating thirty seconds to the door
I looked outside I looked into the eyes
Of the impersonal mob I've seen a thousand times before
Feeling under covers like books on a shelf
If we're scared of one another
Must be scared of ourself
More than just another crowd
We need a gathering instead
Drink drink in the badland liquid bread for the poor
Another member of the crowd goes down to drown at the liquor store
Choose your escape in the heartland
Of product and demand when you feel like a wasp in the swarm
You gotta get away anyway that you can
Thanks Pete
I do not remember the first time I heard my first ska song but pretty sure I was hooked instantly. My friend, Pete was posting Skankin' Pickle lyrics on his FB today, which is rad because to my knowledge no one really listens to ska anymore. Or do they? Skankin' Pickle was one of my favorite bands during high school. Their sound was refreshing because it wasn't just punk or just ska, it was a combination of sounds just like the album title "skafunkrastapunk" stated.
These songs are freaking classic...
I was fortunate to see Pickle in concert a couple times before they broke up. I even got meet and shake hands with Mike Park (HUGE big deal for me back then) at an outdoor ska festival. Mike Park was/is the man. I could write an entire blog/novel on my obsession with all things Mike Park but for now enjoy the music. I remember buying the Green Album on cassette from the local Wherehouse music store. The tape was on repeat in the Blazer, side A to side B, flip it.
These songs are freaking classic...
Thursday, December 1, 2011
I have been an iPhone person since day 1. Yes, I had the very first iPhone a couple weeks after it was released back in June 2007. It was originally intended on being a surprise birthday gift from my mother and my future wife who agreed to split the cost. Now the cost back then was damn near $600 for the top of the line model, kind of nuts to imagine paying that now when you can get a sleeker, faster, cleaner, modern version today for like $199. So my lady came up short on her end of the funds so I had to throw in "her half" at the last minute to cover my surprise. Regardless, I love my phone or well loved that particular phone. I have since upgraded to the latest steez but still a story is a story.
Now the point I intended on making was regarding the applications or as we say "apps" now. I don't know if its just me but I could never sit around for hours and get sucked in the apps world. To this day, I have really only purchased a small handful and really only use a few main ones everyday. Maybe that would change if I spent more time on the damn thing but who has time to play with a phone. Yes, let us not forget although it acts like a mini computer, in the grand scheme of life it is still just a phone.
So the latest app that I have been using more is Instagram. I have always been one to take random pics and to be honest I am getting rather burned out on filtering thru the crap on FB and Twitter. So if hit me up on "the gram" and let's share some photography. Surfs up!
So the latest app that I have been using more is Instagram. I have always been one to take random pics and to be honest I am getting rather burned out on filtering thru the crap on FB and Twitter. So if hit me up on "the gram" and let's share some photography. Surfs up!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
A's Rage
And for those who are new to the blog, Adrian has been part of the Fam since day one, here are few classics from the back in the day...
Friday, November 25, 2011
I might be out of touch when it comes to this rap game. Ok, let's be honest, I am out of touch. But deep down I still have an eye and an ear for spotting talent. Those skills don't die brother. This cat goes by the name, Alexander Spit and he represents Cali, as in the left coast aka the west coast aka the best coast. I admire his work and look forward to his next live show. Enjoy the fire.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011

It has been awhile since I released any Cavotu products. I wish I could tell a little white lie and say that it has only been a year or so but the shocking truth is that it has been damn near 5 years. Ok, that sucks, period. Yes I am aware.
Cavotu was my first child, born in 2005, and I pushed it off to the backseat. Eventually poor little Cavotu was no longer in the car but instead buried in the garage behind the spider webs. I can give you every excuse in the book as to why I have not been able to release and/or create and/or produce anything but the reality is that I am just out of focus. Yes, I am a blurry lens, unable to see the clear view ahead.
As some of you may or may not know, I married my best friend, we had a couple kids and then came the curve balls. Now I am not just talking about one of those Sandy Koufax curve balls but more like hundreds of curve balls and they were all aimed directly at my head. Yes, I understand life happens and we all need to make adjustments but seriously, I cannot say it enough- this black cloud freaking lingers.
Rather than continue to discuss my personal issues, boring I know, actually who reads my blog anyways, I am probably better off just saying this out loud to my two year old. I am sure it will get the same effect, a giggle, a confused look and then get distracted with something far more interesting like oh hey look at this piece of string. The point is that I am excited because today I accomplished a goal and normally I lose in the goal department.
One month ago, I picked today (11/11/11) as the day that I would release something, anything. Now I didn't exactly commit to releasing a full collection. Yes, I would love to drop ten fresh design tees with 2 color ways, a few hoodies, girls gear, kids line, hat program, etc etc. The concepts are all there, just need the final touches to put it all together. One month was just not enough time yet I reminded myself to release something. Ok sounds easy enough. Well, remember the curve balls, they are the only constant in my life.
Cavotu Socks was a concept I was playing around with last fall/winter. I rarely wear socks, I am pretty much a Rainbow leather sandals fiend like 90% of the time. Yes, I am grateful for my new Natives but still a fan of the sandals. I own socks, I own shoes but I rarely think about them. Cavotu rider, Matty Parker requested socks maybe 4 years ago. The conversation went something like this "dude, I have enough tee shirts but what I really need is some socks" and then I most likely said "ok, I'll get right on it" which I then filed away in my brain and most likely forget. For what it's worth, the seed was planted. Thank you Matty.

With out further ado, I present to you Cavotu Socks. I am very proud of these bad boys and your feet will thank you. You can purchase them HERE. Thank you for your continued support. Stay vicious my friends.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Pop ya collar
In my free time or shall I say when I am not working, I spend a great deal of time running around various kid friendly parks in town and in the surrounding cities. I lack the much needed backyard at home so I have no choice but use the park circuit to let the monsters play. We (as in the kids and myself) have given each park its own special silly name so that we keep track and really try to not visit the same place within at least a week to keep it fresh.
Today while I was sitting on a swing at "pirate ship" park, I thought about the "park and glove" scene from On The Waterfront. A truly classic film on many different levels. I can't help but dig the acting, the story, the music, the drama etc. I am a third generation longshoremen and I have grown up appreciating the benefits of union labor. The waterfront has changed quite a bit since this film was made but I still get the chills when I watch the scenes with the longies with their hooks on their shoulders. My grandfathers retired longshore friends said "we never did that shit" when I asked about the placement of the hooks. So resting the hook over the shoulder was either a East Coast trend or a Hollywood fabrication. However the hooks are real symbols/tools that represent the back breaking labor of unloading/loading cargo in the past.
Here is a taste of what I am talking about. Brando was soo f'n cool with his collar popped in that wool flannel jacket. The seasons are about to change a little. Time to bust out the jackets and hoods. Almost time to release some gear. Stay posted folks, these cards can't stay up my sleeves forever.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
TriArt Fest

A little repost action for the homey, Craig. Should be a pretty cool event, both lineups look solid. Pedro needs this kinda energy! Please read the 411 below.
Here is the TriArt Mission Statement (taken from their website):
The TriArt Festival was created to increase the awareness and appreciation of San Pedro as a vibrant, sophisticated venue for all aspects of the arts including art, dance, and music and showcase the changing face of San Pedro as an artistic center.
END FWY Spiel:
This is somewhat of an up-and-coming San Pedro (town) civic event with a small budget and no corporate sponsorship. Although the TriArt Fest is in its fifth year, it is just now starting to gain some notoriety. The festival will include 12 professional dance companies from 12:00pm to 3:00pm and music from 3:00pm to 10pm on both days. This is the second year that DannyLou and I have been asked to be music directors which means we pick the bands and handle the sound. Last year we put together the music for one out of the two days with much success. This year we are handling the music end for both days. Thanks to Mr. TriArt himself, Joe Caccavalla for giving us another chance. We feel that this is a huge opportunity for the San Pedro Punk community to showcase the diverse sounds coming from our small town. This is definitely an alternative to the usual cover bands that frequent our town civic events. All roads end in Pedro!
– Craig Ibarra
TOYS THAT KILL (san pedro) ... 8:25pm
DEATH HYMN NUMBER 9 (fullerton/san pedro) ... 7:25pm
LENGUAS LARGAS (arizona) ... 6:30pm
IMAGES (carson/san pedro) ... 5:35pm
BOMBÓN (san pedro) ... 4:40pm
THE EXXTRAS (san pedro) ... 3:50pm
BLACK SPARROW PRESS (san pedro) ... 3:05pm
MIKE WATT + THE MISSINGMEN (san pedro) ... 7:25pm
• san pedro debut of watt's third opera, "hyphenated-man."
THE LAST (hermosa beach) ... 6:30pm
SACCHARINE TRUST (wilmington) ... 5:35pm
HARI-KARI (south bay) ... 4:40pm
CAN OF BEANS (san pedro) ... 3:50pm
KIDS OF CASEY ANTHONY (san pedro/los angeles) ... 3:05pm
The TriArt Festival was created to increase the awareness and appreciation of San Pedro as a vibrant, sophisticated venue for all aspects of the arts including art, dance, and music and showcase the changing face of San Pedro as an artistic center.
END FWY Spiel:
This is somewhat of an up-and-coming San Pedro (town) civic event with a small budget and no corporate sponsorship. Although the TriArt Fest is in its fifth year, it is just now starting to gain some notoriety. The festival will include 12 professional dance companies from 12:00pm to 3:00pm and music from 3:00pm to 10pm on both days. This is the second year that DannyLou and I have been asked to be music directors which means we pick the bands and handle the sound. Last year we put together the music for one out of the two days with much success. This year we are handling the music end for both days. Thanks to Mr. TriArt himself, Joe Caccavalla for giving us another chance. We feel that this is a huge opportunity for the San Pedro Punk community to showcase the diverse sounds coming from our small town. This is definitely an alternative to the usual cover bands that frequent our town civic events. All roads end in Pedro!
– Craig Ibarra
TOYS THAT KILL (san pedro) ... 8:25pm
DEATH HYMN NUMBER 9 (fullerton/san pedro) ... 7:25pm
LENGUAS LARGAS (arizona) ... 6:30pm
IMAGES (carson/san pedro) ... 5:35pm
BOMBÓN (san pedro) ... 4:40pm
THE EXXTRAS (san pedro) ... 3:50pm
BLACK SPARROW PRESS (san pedro) ... 3:05pm
MIKE WATT + THE MISSINGMEN (san pedro) ... 7:25pm
• san pedro debut of watt's third opera, "hyphenated-man."
THE LAST (hermosa beach) ... 6:30pm
SACCHARINE TRUST (wilmington) ... 5:35pm
HARI-KARI (south bay) ... 4:40pm
CAN OF BEANS (san pedro) ... 3:50pm
KIDS OF CASEY ANTHONY (san pedro/los angeles) ... 3:05pm
Monday, September 19, 2011
We lost a classic character last week to the evil they call cancer. Bill was a great man and he will be missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to my brother, Dave and his family.
Bill was the cool dad who took "the boys" to our first concert, Metallica summer 1994 at Cal State Dominguez Hills in Carson. I still have the tee shirt from the show. Rest in peace.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Em Oh You Es E

Now as parents, Disneyland is a totally different experience. We have been wanting to purchase passes but felt the kids were too young to appreciate it and/or not ready for the madness. Most likely my wife and I were the ones who were not ready. Eventually we caved and bought the passes once again. So far we have taken the Fam Bam a dozen times often just for a few hours and it has been awesome every time.

Sunday, September 11, 2011
Bob Dylan said it best...
"Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'."
And with that being said, I am rather bummed to write a blog announcing that San Pedro's favorite skateshop, Sunken City has permanently closed it's doors.
Shop owners, Brandon Zankich and Rick Plancich took a huge hit from the poor economic times and were forced to close their dream business. Sunken City skates established quite a buzz around town despite the fact that they relocated 3 times in the past 4 years. Pro riders like Daewon Song, Chris Haslam and Cooper Wilt called Sunken City their home away from home and hung out on a regular basis.
The good folks at Cavotu wish the Sunken City fam the best of luck on their next life chapter. The future is wide open. Keep on skating!
"Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'."
And with that being said, I am rather bummed to write a blog announcing that San Pedro's favorite skateshop, Sunken City has permanently closed it's doors.
Shop owners, Brandon Zankich and Rick Plancich took a huge hit from the poor economic times and were forced to close their dream business. Sunken City skates established quite a buzz around town despite the fact that they relocated 3 times in the past 4 years. Pro riders like Daewon Song, Chris Haslam and Cooper Wilt called Sunken City their home away from home and hung out on a regular basis.
The good folks at Cavotu wish the Sunken City fam the best of luck on their next life chapter. The future is wide open. Keep on skating!
Check out a couple clips of Rick and Brandon doing their thing.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Bukowski Bluebird Birthday Booze Boy
San Pedro's own Charles Bukowski would have celebrated his 91st birthday today. Charles aka Hank was one crazy dude who definitely indulged in his fair share of booze, cigs and females. A poet, a writer, a novelist, a cult hero, the list goes on. Whatever title you want to roll with, the work of Bukowski will be praised for many years to come. I would never claim 'super fan' but I appreciate his skills with words/phrases etc. I can think of at least 2 or 3 people that I know who have a bluebird tattooed on their skin in his honor. I thought for a minute about walking over to Green Hills to look for his grave but then thought that was a bit much. Another day doggy. But thats what we have the Internet for, right? The "don't try" is pretty classic. Cheers!

Sunday, August 14, 2011
denim and leather
I saw these silly bearded boys in concert a while back. I don't know anyone that can rock the denim vest look and make it look this cool. They have tons of energy on stage. A must see next time they roll thru your town. Enjoy the goodness that is Valient Thorr.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
416 Broadway

The Hundreds is a clothing/lifestyle project that I follow on the regular. I'm part of the millions of people from all over the planet who read their blog and check their website every freaking day. The Hundreds dot com is a great source for all things street-wear, music, art, Cali life, etc etc. They are without a doubt 'thee' lifestyle brand to follow. I can't think of another brand that consistently hits the nail on the head like the Hundreds.

My daughter and I recently visited their new retail joint in Santa Monica which happens to be their 4th store. Not bad for a brand that just celebrated their 8 year anniversary. I have been to Rosewood a few times, their first store, located in LA's Fairfax district. I totally planned on going to Grand during my NYC visit this past June but never made it. Post is their San Francisco joint, Bay Area love and on my future visit list. Each store is completely different from the next and all offer the customer a unique shopping experience.

Pey is only 20 months old but she ran around like a kid in a candy store. The Santa Monica layout is pretty cool, a clean use of space which is only a couple blocks from the beach. I liked the shoe loft area and the overall white paint theme. I'm pretty sure they blogged about the concept on the website. The front window display has a turntable, old school boom box, and an original Nintendo console cemented into the ground to say the least.
The Hundreds founders and I were all born in 1980 so it's pretty cool to think that I can relate to everything that they are inspired by. It's amazing to see their achievements and successes in their 8 year history as a brand. Super motivating when I factor in that I started Cavotu back in 2005. Don't worry, we will breathe again. I could argue that these dudes don't have wives and babies so they have no clue what the life struggle juggle looks like. But they definitely got the drive and are not showing any signs of slowing down anytime soon. Time to kick it into high gear which really just means its time to change a diaper, haha. Let's go.

Santa Monica,
street wear,
the hundreds
Fresh from the earth

Sunday, July 24, 2011
New Blink
I have been a Blink 182 fan since day one (1990 something). I remember listening to my dubbed copy of Chesire Cat over and over. I knew it wasn't a musical masterpiece but it was catchy, fun and defined where I was at in life. I was hooked. Over the years I remained a fan of all things Blink whether it was their side bands, media projects, clothing companies, etc etc. Yes, this might sound a bit obsessive but I always felt connected in a way. Blink was the background noise during my teens and early twenties. I felt like they were into the same shit as me or maybe that's just what I told myself.
So now I'm 31 years old, married with children and I still get the chills when I hear Blink is recording a new album. Mad respect for Mark, Tom and Travis. Enjoy their new song. Stay stoked!
Mark called my college apartment at SDSU after my roommate launched blow pops onto the stage during their on campus show. I never knew exactly what she wrote but the G rated version was probably something like "for a good time, call Jaci." Unfortunately no one was home when he called but we had Mark's message on our answering machine for weeks after. I remember listening to Drop Your Pants and Jacket while I was living in Singapore. I remember winning tickets, rad seats by the way, from 91X (San Diego rock radio station). I have tons of Blink memories and could go on and on.
So now I'm 31 years old, married with children and I still get the chills when I hear Blink is recording a new album. Mad respect for Mark, Tom and Travis. Enjoy their new song. Stay stoked!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Blogs that I follow

This logo is easily one of the legends in the street wear game. I remember my first S shirt back in 1993. I was sooo stoked to wear it to my "free dress day" at catholic school. Life was simple then...
Shawn still carries the torch yet it burns a little different these days. His blog is one of my favs for its simplicity. Thanks for the inspiration.
Hello again
I once called myself a
This was by far the coolest blog I wrote last year. Miss you Speed
Monday, June 27, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I'll be there shortly
I used to bleach one spot in my hair. I used to grow the sides of my hair long and then bleach the hair and call it my ear muffs. Bleach and I have a long history. Its not like I need to be taken serious or anything but I guess I just kinda forgot about the bleaching thing. I like this cat. Period.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
San Pedro Punx
Earlier today, I had an interesting conversation with Pete Romero while I was working at the shop. Pete drinks banquet beer which is cool. Most Coors drinkers get caught up in the hype/drinkability of the Silver Bullets that they often forget about the quality/taste of an ice cold Banquet. Pete dabbles in longshore life and punk rock music, hell of a combo if you ask me but then again I might be a little bias being that I do the same dance. Pete plays in a band, San Pedro punk rock, Plan A. The band has not made the switch over to FB but still have a dinosaur page up on MY_____ if you want to check out some of their anthems. Plan A is playing a show at the Whiskey in a couple weeks. I'll be rallying the troops to support local music. See ya in the pit!

Monday, April 25, 2011
Railroad Revival-San Pedro
I had planned on blogging about this whole experience but...well let's just say I got caught up in the process. But this just wasn't any process, it was more like a challenge, to plan the greatest party EVER at the modern location of Utro's in San Pedro, CA. What is this Utro's you speak of? Well, Utro's Cafe was established in 1976 by my father, rather than go into the vast details of the history let's just say I have been carrying the torch for the last several years and yes this is probably the first time I have mentioned it publicly on the Cavotu blog. For the longest time I chose to keep certain aspects of my life separate but as I get older, I realize that everything I do really defines who I am and where I'm going in life. Ok so I run a restaurant. That in itself might explain why I tend to lag in the fashion apparel biz. But thats no excuse.
So back to the lecture at hand....this musical tour was a brilliant concept, 3 bands travel by train to 6 US cities. And yes they chose San Pedro as the location for the Los Angeles show. San Pedro is not known for a place where the hipsters gather for live music so the town really had no idea of the magnitude of this event. No one prepared, no one thought to capitalize on the fact that 6,000 people would be coming to this sold out concert. I saw the opportunity from the moment the tour dates where announced on the radio. BAM! Sure the fact that my restaurant was located directly adjacent to the concert venue had a lot to do with my motivation but in the end it was a really great idea.
Thanks to all the folks who attended the party. Thanks to the folks at San Pedro News Pilot for filming the video below. My hope is that the promoters will consider us again for another outdoor concert in the future. San Pedro is in desperate need of more youth and outsider money spent in our shops and restaurants. I pretty much summed it up best by saying "this is how you bring town's back to life" in the video below.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Talking Head
Kathy Lee Griffith aka Scott aka Griffey aka Spliff aka Eaton and Eaton...the guy is a legend in the making. I love modern cell phone technology for this very reason. This speech goes down in the books as another classic long winded ramble of only God knows what. And believe me I have real life proof of Griff's history of rants, conversations, salutes, discussions, analysis breakdowns etc after being his friend for 13 years. I just love the fact that this was recorded thanks to the homey, B Free. Enjoy the show. PS Las Vegas I miss you.
Damn Hippy

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Deez Nuts
And just cause I'm feeling in the blog mood tonight I might as well give a shout out to my homey, Dustin. He recently got down on one knee and popped the question to his special lady. Tonight was their big engagement party and unfortunately I was unable to attend because I was on Daddy duty and couldn't find a last minute babysitter. And you probably asking yourself, who the hell is this D guy anyways?? Well we have been brothers since Kindergarten and he is definitely down with the flow. D happens to be on the side bar rocking the navy Pancho tee with his lady in the black dress. Cheers to the happy couple!
London Calling
Johnny Cupcakes is such an inspiration. I was fortunate to attend one of his college campus talks a couple years ago and I remember him hinting at a possible London shop. He definitely has his goals in line and follows thru. I wish I could be more like Johnny. He recently tweeted about what are your goals for the Spring season, I retweeted back some nonsense but now that I think about it I should of said be more like You, be like Johnny, think differently, motivate differently, get off your ass to put it bluntly....
This project of mine has been shelved for quite some time, I have managed to keep a small flame burning. At this point in my life I am shifting my focus. I can only say that a total mind change should and will effect every aspect of my life. Good for me, good for CAVOTU, can't see anything negative about it. I feel great. I can do this. I will.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Super Sunday

Not a fan of the sport but it is what it is. Being an advertising major I usually pay more attention to the those million dollar commercials than the actual game. To be honest, I've probably never watched an entire NFL game from start to finish. This year the teams seem pretty even when you analyze the stats. I was sort of a Packers fan back in the 90's and I still give them props for what they have accomplished over the years. I never really gave the Steelers any thought because they are from Philly and well that says alot. But the Steelers appear solid and are rather consistent in the regular and post season. I took action for a friend, he claims the Steelers will bring home the W. They say when betting always go against your heart so I guess in this case I'm leaning towards tha Burg. Cheers!
Monday, January 31, 2011
A Poet's Life
I attended a poetry show on Saturday evening at Beyond Baroque in the hipster land of Venice Beach. It was a virgin like experience as I walked inside the lions den of live poetry but I was really impressed. This cat, Derrick Brown is the real deal. All the poets who performed were witty, punchy, and real crowd pleasers. I failed to buy the books after the show but plan on ordering Brown's collection off his site. Check out Write Bloody publishing and Brown Poetry for more info.
Brown will be performing at Open Books in Long Beach on Saturday, February 19th. Be there. Ok now it's ROMANCE TIME...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Much love to all the heads who came out to support Cavotu Fam, B-Free at the Otis Lounge, SF on Saturday evening. From what I hear, we got this spot locked in for a regular monthly event so stay posted for the next one. Check out the homey in action.
Monday, January 24, 2011
He's Our Man
Jack was an inspiration to us all. Amazing energy and intense charge for life. I always thought he would live to be 110 years old but 96 is the real deal.

I created this banner ad back for the Cavotu website back in March 2006. Classic shot indeed. Time for juice and fingertip push ups. RIP brother. Guttermouth said it best...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Bay Area

Friday, January 7, 2011
Straight Fizzn

The fam bam and I were making our way back from SLO last night when we stopped in Camarillo for a minute to refuel the g-ride. I stumbled upon this gem of candy/soda shop called Rocket Fizz. Apparently this was their first flagship store and now they have 13 locations across the country. Never heard of it but it reminded me of Powell's with a much larger collection of sodas and speciality drinks. I ended up trying out this random rootbeer that was recommended by the shop dude. A rather tasty blend I must say. I'm not sure if 'root' is the new beer but they definitely got something special going on there in Wisconsin.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
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