Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mary Jane

Happy Cavotuesday folks, friends, fiends, foes. Ok ok sometimes alliteration is just dumb, dumb as in look at me, silly me. I am the silly one who has not written a blog in weeks so I quickly stumble over my words, slip and slide through the first paragraph which is supposed to introduce the topic and pull the reader in for..........more.

Not a day goes by where I don't come across something blog worthy, I guess we all do. Life happens and it is safe to say that the general population is not blogging about it on the Internet. I am not special yet I have a tendency to proclaim that I am more aware of my surroundings than others. Observant with that capital O. At one point the grade school girls called me Oey. Far from the coolest nickname in the book but fortunately the name Oey only stuck for about 5 minutes in reality. Unfortunately Oey remains eternally in my memory.

School days are behind me now unless I decide to go back and stack degrees like it's a hobby. Speaking of hobbies, oops none here, oh wait I got a new one, I have been swimming laps 4/5 days a week. Yes I have been getting my "Michael Phelps" on sans the 12,000 calorie diet and the medicinal greenery. Awesome lead (I tell myself).

This morning as I walked out of my kids school, a young girl and her mother crossed my path. The school director instantly yelled out, "Good morning Mary Jane!" What? Really? I walked out with a smile on my face and kept these lips sealed. No need to comment to a total stranger aka my son's fellow classmate. MJ could even be his right hand girl for all I know, the life of a four year old, sweet.

Now I can't help but think that little "MaryJane" was named after...well her great great grandmother from the old country of course. Obviously my opinion, which is just an opinion, leans towards the exact opposite. I think that Dad and Mom are total stoners and that they love marijuana so much that they had to name their daughter after their first love or as my friend Tony likes to call it "the greatest thing that has ever happened to me."

Now I know a couple of pot heads who named their daughter Kaya which I have always thought was totally cool. But when I say cool, I mean cool because Kaya is one of my favorite Bob Marley albums and the name just sounds Hawaiian which I attribute to the islands, surfing, fun in the sun, etc. (I need a vacation, bags are freaking packed). But not cool enough to be something I would do. Plus my last name pretty much distorts the hell out of any cool name. Truth spoken/typed.

Things are obviously different now and young parents have been exploring names far from the traditional options. I am not going to lie, naming my children was super challenging. I read the books and wrote several lists, yes hand written lists. I would walk around at work saying the names out loud, trying to imagine what it would be like. Yes I did. I still went into both labors without a name picked. Sure I had my top 5 but after each birth I looked at my top and was like 'no way!' In looking back I am stoked on the choices I made, S and P totally fit, I could not see it any other way.

So I am sure MJ will probably get that vibe for the rest of her life. The boys/girls will snicker in school and the teachers will always say it with a smile. But maybe not, maybe it really is just a name and I am the weirdo for having these thoughts. I suppose she can always just go by Mary. Maybe her folks are huge Spiderman fans and her brother is named Peter Parker. Highly doubt it but that would be madness. Regardless, I would never be able to pull that trigger. Even if I smoked herb all day every day, I would still never name my daughter Mary Jane.

Peace and love.