Sunday, March 20, 2011

London Calling

Johnny Cupcakes is such an inspiration. I was fortunate to attend one of his college campus talks a couple years ago and I remember him hinting at a possible London shop. He definitely has his goals in line and follows thru. I wish I could be more like Johnny. He recently tweeted about what are your goals for the Spring season, I retweeted back some nonsense but now that I think about it I should of said be more like You, be like Johnny, think differently, motivate differently, get off your ass to put it bluntly....

This project of mine has been shelved for quite some time, I have managed to keep a small flame burning. At this point in my life I am shifting my focus. I can only say that a total mind change should and will effect every aspect of my life. Good for me, good for CAVOTU, can't see anything negative about it. I feel great. I can do this. I will.

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