Sunday, November 2, 2014

No control

My ex girlfriend called me out last night about never being happy. First of all, they say an "ex" is an "ex" for a reason but when the smoke clears and a decade has passed I really have no issue with being friends with them. So yes her comment stung for a minute or two. People that truly know me know exactly how to break me but then again I have had complete strangers crack me too so what do I know. So yeah, I struggle with my happiness in regards to my life choices over the years. I have grown to accept all the negatives, still not happy with their outcomes but the more I think about it the more I realize why this brand makes me smile. Cavotu is the one constant, the one thing that I have full control over and yes it brings me happiness. If only I could control other areas of my life then I would be happy as a fucking clam 24/7. So happiness equals control…interesting.

Which reminds me of this rad Bad Religion song…

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