Thursday, December 1, 2011


I have been an iPhone person since day 1. Yes, I had the very first iPhone a couple weeks after it was released back in June 2007. It was originally intended on being a surprise birthday gift from my mother and my future wife who agreed to split the cost. Now the cost back then was damn near $600 for the top of the line model, kind of nuts to imagine paying that now when you can get a sleeker, faster, cleaner, modern version today for like $199. So my lady came up short on her end of the funds so I had to throw in "her half" at the last minute to cover my surprise. Regardless, I love my phone or well loved that particular phone. I have since upgraded to the latest steez but still a story is a story.

Now the point I intended on making was regarding the applications or as we say "apps" now. I don't know if its just me but I could never sit around for hours and get sucked in the apps world. To this day, I have really only purchased a small handful and really only use a few main ones everyday. Maybe that would change if I spent more time on the damn thing but who has time to play with a phone. Yes, let us not forget although it acts like a mini computer, in the grand scheme of life it is still just a phone.

So the latest app that I have been using more is Instagram. I have always been one to take random pics and to be honest I am getting rather burned out on filtering thru the crap on FB and Twitter. So if hit me up on "the gram" and let's share some photography. Surfs up!

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