Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I guess you could say I am sleep deprived. My mind is heavy and I can't even slow it down. I have a tendency to procrastinate so when the motivation is flowing I have no choice but to keep it moving. Sleep is overrated and life is happening. Might as well get it done.

I attended a friends art show the other night. We lost touch over the years but have managed to connect on FB off and on. Lately I have started to hate FB more than love it but it is what it is. I had no idea my friend was dabbling in the painted canvas game. Here is a quick snap of one of his pieces.

I should of took more pics but my mind was not even thinking about this blog a few days ago. Last time I checked in with this cat he was collecting vinyl and producing music. As an artist, I can appreciate the transition into other forms of creativity. It's definitely the right approach to avoid getting stagnant. Yet that's exactly what happened to me, I got stuck in the mud. Obviously I am still learning around here.

So another Cavotuesday, another reason to stay inspired and keep moving forward.

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