Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday (Who cares?)

Stay busy. (Ok)

Stay distracted. (Ok)

Stay busy. (Didn't work)

Stay distracted. (Didn't work)

This is reality. (Sounds fake as all fake can be)

Don't think so much. (Where is the off button?)

Don't look back. (My head is glued on backwards, I never liked glue)

Don't dwell on the past. (It has shaped me, this is me now aka Crazy)

Don't feel sad. (I am fucked)

Don't feel anything. (I am really fucked)

Embrace apathy. (People really do this?)

Don't go down the path of no return. (Ah shit, I already did)

Don't lose yourself along the way. (Too late buddy, way too late)

These thoughts are going to kill you. (I believe you)

Half dead. (Half alive)

Ready to die. (Thumbs up)

And I have no idea why, but this song came into my brain when I typed "Monday..." in the subject line...I am no fan of this band, I do not own any of their music, but like I said this song came into my can explain it. I am done!

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